Good news! During the Legislature’s floor session, May 30th – June 2nd, many important climate bills passed their “first house”—the Senate or Assembly—and are now making their way through committees in their second house.
Among these are two Senate bills aiming to shed light on corporations’ carbon emissions and climate-related financial risks:
SB 253, the Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act, requires large corporations doing business in California—those earning more than $1 billion per year—to publicly disclose their carbon emissions in a manner that’s clear and easy to understand.
SB 261, the Climate-Related Financial Risk Act, requires large companies that do business in California to submit annual climate-related financial risk reports to the public.
For far too long, corporations have kept their polluting ways—and the risks they pose to our financial security—unavailable for public scrutiny. We’ll keep you posted about how you can support both these critical climate bills.
Photo by Greg Thames on Pexels
This article first appeared in our June 2023 Newsletter