Three women standing in 350 Contra Costa Action booth, ready to answer questions

Communications Team

Engage with Community Members About Local Advocacy for Climate Solutions

The Communications Team connects with people in Contra Costa County to help them learn about and engage in local climate action. The county is large and diverse, with 19 cities and many unincorporated communities. We aim to develop a climate-focused presence in each.

We promote action through:

  • Our monthly newsletter
  • Tabling at public events
  • Speaking engagements
  • Webinars, blogs, email blasts, and letters to the editor

What We Do


Update our communities on current climate issues and actions in Contra Costa County through our monthly newsletter, social media, and our website. 

Screenshot of 350 Contra Costa Action Home Page with menus and colorful image of Clean Energy Future demonstrators marching on a bright, blue sky day
Theater audience preparing to watch the film "The Scale of Hope"


Produce webinars and events that provide a deeper understanding of climate threats and solutions.

Write Letters to the Editor that respond to local news items about climate change, amplify solutions, and correct misconceptions.

Present talks related to clean energy solutions, environmental justice, climate mitigation policy, and ending the use of fossil fuels.


Meet community members at local fairs and other events to showcase who we are, what we do, and offer local climate actions they can take right now. We encourage people to sign up for our newsletter and to volunteer with us.

Encourage new volunteers to find a role in our group that works for them. We connect them with veteran volunteers to act as guides and mentors.

350 Contra Costa Action volunteers greet children and adults at the 2024 Walnut Creek Earth Day event

What Our Volunteers Do

Three of our volunteers at the 2024 Pinole Earth Day event

Team roles: Flexible as needed

  • Engage through social media posts
  • Create and maintain website
  • Educate through letters to the editor
  • Reach the community through event tabling
  • Provide content for the newsletter
  • Collaborate with youth groups
  • Recruit and mentor new volunteers
  • Develop educational tools, webinars, and training tools

If you are interested in attending a Comms team meeting or volunteering, please fill out our volunteer interest form below.

Get Involved