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Resources Hub

Learn More, Dig Deeper

Get your climate savvy on here. Learn more about the issues and what you can do. Come back to this page often. We intend to add new resources frequently—a variety of resources to help us address the myriad facets of the crisis, and to help us all work smarter and quicker in this climate emergency.

How To Talk About Climate Change

Talking about climate change can make a difference. Sara Peach and Jennifer Marlon, at Yale Climate Connections, say to start by asking questions. Follow their tips and you just may influence your neighbor, as one of them did, to go electric when their HVAC failed. Every one of us has the power to make small changes, and collectively, large ones.

Our sister organization, 350 Contra Costa, focuses on climate education and outreach. You’ll find these and many more enlightening, entertaining, educational, and sometimes just plain conversational climate-related videos on their YouTube channel at 350 Contra Costa.

Making the Switch to Electric Appliances

This webinar is a user-friendly guide to the hows and whys of replacing your gas range, furnace, and water heater with electric appliances. Learn about rebates and tax credits that can help you upgrade your home and improve indoor air quality while shrinking your carbon footprint.

Advocating for Climate Change Solutions

Want to do something about the climate crisis, but not sure where to start? In this webinar, you’ll learn about the public health and environmental issues of carbon emissions—and what you can do to bring in climate solutions. You’ll find out how to advocate for electrification and a transition to renewable energy sources—in your city or town, in Contra Costa, and in Sacramento.

Advocating for Climate Change Solutions

Want to do something about the climate crisis, but not sure where to start? In this webinar, you’ll learn about the public health and environmental issues of carbon emissions—and what you can do to bring in climate solutions. You’ll find out how to advocate for electrification and a transition to renewable energy sources—in your city or town, in Contra Costa, and in Sacramento.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

Forests, wetlands, and grasslands capture and store carbon from the atmosphere all the time; in our efforts to cool our planet, Nature is a wonderful ally. But CCS technology, the not-so-natural way to remove carbon and put it in the ground, is not a viable climate solution. In this webinar, you’ll learn about the problems with CCS and the proposed Montezuma CarbonHub in our own backyard. Find out what you can do to stop this project.

What is Building Electrification and Why Does It Matter?

A Key 350 CC Action Campaign

Building Electrification is a key campaign at 350 Contra Costa Action. Removing fossil fuels from our homes and offices is vital—for the health of the planet, and for the health of our families. Follow these links to learn more.

Clean Energy Transition Links

Solar light panels on grass near windmills
Photo by Orlando Schwarz on Pexels

Watch this space for more links on how—and why—we work to promote a transition from fossil fuels to clean energy. Follow these links to learn more:

Restoring Natural Systems

Keeping fossil fuels in the ground is the main thing, but it’s not the only thing. We also need to get carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere by growing forests, wetlands and grasslands—more plants of every kind to draw down carbon and store it in the soil. Restoring these ecosystems not only removes greenhouse gases, but also preserves the complex Web of Life that we all depend on.

Looking up and up and up into the crown of a redwood fairy ring

I'm Just One Person--What Can I Do?

Hands passing a globe of the earth into other hands
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

Plenty, as it turns out.

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