It’s Time for California to Make Polluters Pay
Landmark California Make Polluters Pay bill could change the future for Californians. Learn how you can help make it happen in 2025.
Landmark California Make Polluters Pay bill could change the future for Californians. Learn how you can help make it happen in 2025.
Landmark California Make Polluters Pay bill could change the future for Californians. Learn how you can help make it happen in 2025.
Good news! During the Legislature’s floor session, May 30th – June 2nd, many important climate bills passed their “first house”—the Senate or Assembly—and are now making their way through committees in their second house. Among these, two Senate bills aiming to shed light on corporations’ carbon emissions and climate-related financial risks.
Transportation accounts for about 40 percent of all GHG emission in California. Industrial activity and buildings—our homes and everything else–together make up another 45 percent. We have the solutions. We CAN stop burning fossil fuels now.
The only solution to safeguard life as we know it on Planet Earth is to stop burning fossil fuels. There is no other option. Here’s why.
Transportation is the highest contributor of GHG emissions—as much as 60 percent in Walnut Creek, and 46 percent in unincorporated Contra Costa County.
MCE, the not-for-profit public agency that provides clean energy for residential customers, also offers an electric vehicle (EV) charging rebate to businesses and multifamily properties, as well as technical assistance.
Plastic waste. It’s everywhere. If you live in Pinole or visit frequently, be part of the solution to the plastics problem, and complete this brief survey.
PO Box 18762 Oakland, CA 94619
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